Wednesday 11 July 2018

Story idea 1. Science Hermit saves Britanya.

'Britanya', post-apocalypse (some time in the near-future).

The government opposition are being rounded up.  A woman quickly gathers a few possessions, including an old ring.  She looks lovingly at a photograph of an old woman with a young girl, who is herself many years ago.  A quick phone call - 'I'm getting out of here, and you should too!'.

The woman heads for the hills and sets up camp in a cave in the mountains.  She is 'Science Hermit', an eccentric wizard woman, of Asian decent, middle-aged, brilliant in her field of 'Energy Code Communications'.  The cave shows evidence of her creative problem-solving vis. Heath - Robinson gismos for water supply, air circulation etc.

Long shots of Science Hermit in 'Elysium'.

Ultimate Mountain Tracker Woman is a young, blond, athletic hotshot just out of training school.  Her dream is to serve the Status Quo using her superior fitness and intelligence.  Her government apartment is full of trophies, as well as an assortment of weapons and technical equipment. 

Dressed ready for action, UMTW looks out of her high-rise longingly at the mountains in the distance.

'Ultimate Mountain Tracker Woman' (UMTW) is hired by Lord Govatron to find Science Hermit as she is classed as a dangerous subversive who is also needed to help the authorities to crack codes to access free energy.

Lord Govatron is an elder statesman, concerned to maintain order at a time of increasing anarchy.  He spends a lot of time shouting down communication devices at subordinates.  He looks ill, is overweight, and wears two shirts, a wide tie and double-breasted jacket, in clashing colours.

UMTW is actually the second tracker; UMTW1 got drowned in a bog that she was tricked into crossing by Science hermit on Lord Govatron's first attempt to catch her.

After smart detective work, UMTW2 discovers Science Hermit's location, but after watching her from a distance for a while, she becomes entranced.  Science hermit again tries to trick her pursuer, but fails.  She is impressed by UMTW2's nous, and decides to seduce her.  This is a risk she decides is worth taking.

During the seduction, Lord Govatron tries to contact UMTW2 via her embedded comms device.  This is the point where UMTW2 has to decide whether to join the subversives, or stay with the authorities.  She joins.

The two women then plot together, using their different skills, to overthrow the authorities.  It will be a mission to destroy the seat of government - an imposing post-industrial castle - and kill Lord Govatron.

All goes to plan, except that the only way Science Hermit can see how to kill Lord Govatron is by tricking UMTW2 into carrying a bomb into the castle and detonating it while she is pretending to seduce her (former) boss.

After the explosion, we see Science Hermit walking amongst the debris of the explosion, cut with national celebrations and bell ringing.  She stops to pick up a ring on a bloodied finger - the ring she gave to UMTW2.  The celebratory bells continue.

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