Wednesday 22 January 2020

FOR THE DURATION - Aesthetica Film Festival

As part of the marketing plan for the film, I decided that some market research was a good idea.  I had identified the Aesthetica Film Festival in York as a suitable festival to submit my film to - it had a substantial 'experimental' film section.

After manufacturing some business cards to give out, I packed my sleeping bag and a large number of jam sandwiches, and set off for York.  After about 4 hours I arrived, and quickly located the spot just outside town where I would car-camp.  I then plodded off down the river bank to find the registration building.

Once registered, I picked up a copy of the programme to study, and began to get my bearings.  All the venues I needed to visit  were quite close together, except for the one at the university, which was about 25 minutes walk out of town.

I had already planned my visits, which would take in all six of the experimental film showings.  I had even fashioned an edited map of the town centre that would fold easily into an inside pocket, and which could be consulted without looking like I was lost.

All in all, I saw 24 films (in one day), ranging from three to 30 minutes.  Most were technically proficient, some had unconvincing acting, some relied on cliched effects, and many seemed to attach a higher value to technical quality than content.

I saw only one or two that I judged as superior to my own film.  I don't think this is because I am biased, as I am usually too critical of my own work.  I genuinely think that my film has a chance of being recognised as worthy of being shown.

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