Monday 19 August 2019

FOR THE DURATION: script changes

After a short break from the project due to illness, there was a meeting to review the script, and it was agreed that the story line would be improved if the number of characters was reduced from three to two - one protagonist and his opposing antagonist.  This released the director from acting duties, meaning that he could resume his role as camera director.  It also meant that £400 could be saved from the budget, as there would be no need to hire a camera operator.

Artistically this was also preferable, as the director's vision for the film could be much better served - the tone and style would match earlier footage of the protagonist (the actor now being away on holiday).  Another camera operator would result in footage that had a different colour balance and 'look' - earlier footage was taken using a Nikon D5200 DSLR, and the camera operator wanted to use the camera he was most familiar with, which was a Cannon 5D.

The film's characters are played byactors that were not available at the same time, so there were two main periods of filming (which are now complete).  Shots featuring the protagonist were all filmed at the beginning of July before the director fell ill.  The week of shooting for the antagonist's scenes (that was to use a hired camera operator) was postponed until the following week, and went ahead with the director taking control of the camera.  Most of the desired shots were obtained and the schedule that was planned was followed to the letter.

The actor for the antagonist part was not as fit as the actor for the protagonist part, which meant careful pacing and regular rests were scheduled into the two days of filming, which changed from two consecutive days to one day then a three day break, then another day/evening.  The shot at the radio mast location was a compromise as the actor felt unable to climb over the gate.  A long lens was used to bring actor and location closer together.

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